
Showing posts with label Distinction Test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Distinction Test. Show all posts

Carbylamine Reaction - Test for Amines

Distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary amine Using Carbylamine Reaction

Primary amine (both aliphatic and aromatic) when warmed with chloroform and alcoholic KOH, gives isocyanides (carbylamines). This is called carbylamine reaction. Carbylamines has an offensive smell. This reaction is answered only by primary amine and hence to distinguish primary amine from other classes of amines.

In general

R-NH2  +  CHCl3  +  3KOH  --------->  RNC (carbylamine) +  3KCl + 3H2O

Hinsberg Test for Amine

Distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary amine Using Hinsberg  reagent

Three classes of amines are distinguished by Hinsberg reagent test. The Hinsberg reagent is benzene sulphonyl chloride (C6H5SO2Cl).

1. Reaction of Hinsberg reagent with Primary amine

A primary amine forms a precipitate of N-alkyl benzene sulphonamide with Hinsberg reagent. This precipitate is soluble in alkali.

RNH2 (primary amine)  +  C6H5SO2Cl (Hinsberg reagent) ------------>  R-NH-SO2-C6H5  ------(NaOH)---> R-N-Na+-SO2C6H5 (soluble)

2. Reaction of Hinsberg reagent with secondary amine

 Secondary amine reacts with Hinsberg reagent to form a precipitate N,N-dialkyl benzene sulphonamide. But this precipitate is insoluble in alkali.

R2NH (secondary amine)  +  C6H5SO2Cl (Hinsberg reagent) ------------> R2NSO2C6H5 (precipitate)  -----(NaOH)---> insoluble (no reaction)

2. Reaction of Hinsberg reagent with Tertiary amine

Tertiary amines do not react with Hinsberg reagent,

R3N (Tertiary amine)  +  C6H5SO2Cl (Hinsberg reagent) ------------>No reaction

Hinsberg reagent can also be used for the separation of primary, secondary and tertiary amine from a mixture.